Overview of HKAudio

HKAudio - A Harman Kardon Cordova plugin for Harman Kardon SDK to be used in iOS.


This requires Cordova 5.0+ ( current stable 1.0.0 )

cordova plugin add https://github.com/JadisInteractive/harman-kardon-cordova

Change the deployment target in Xcode to be 8.4, otherwise you may get linking errors.

Remove Plugin

cordova plugin rm com.jadisinteractive.hkaudio


hkaudio.initialize(success, error);

This method initializes the HK Wireless HD SDK.

  • success: Callback function if the SDK is successfully initialized and ready for use
  • error: Callback function if there was an error trying to initialze the SDK

hkaudio.startRefreshDeviceInfo(success, error);

This method starts to keep refreshing device info every two seconds. It continues until hkaudio.stopRefreshDeviceInfo method is called. - success: Callback function on successful - error: Callback function

hkaudio.stopRefreshDeviceInfo(success, error);

This method stops refreshing the device info started by hkaudio.startRefreshDeviceInfo.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function

hkaudio.getGroupCount(success, error);

This method gets the total number of available groups of speakers on the network.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function

hkaudio.getActiveDeviceCount(success, error);

This method gets the number of active speakers

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function

hkaudio.removeDeviceFromSession(success, error, deviceId);

This method removes a speaker from the current playback session. The removed speaker will stop playing audio.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function
  • deviceId: Integer. The ID of the device to remove

hkaudio.addDeviceToSession(success, error, deviceId);

This method adds a speaker to the current playback session. The added speaker will start playing audio. This can be done during the audio playback.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function
  • deviceId: Integer. The ID of the device to remove

hkaudio.getDeviceCount(success, error);

This method gets the number of all speakers in the HKWirelessHD network.

hkaudio.isPlaying(success, error);

This method checks if the player is playing some audio or not.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function

hkaudio.playCAF(success, error, URL, songName, resumeFlag);

This method plays a CAF audio file in local storage.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function
  • URL: String.
  • songName: String.
  • resumeFlag: Boolean.

hkaudio.stop(success, error);

This method stops the current playback.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function

hkaudio.pause(success, error);

This method pauses the current playback.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function

hkaudio.setVolume(success, error, volume);

This method sets a volume level to all speakers. The same volume level is set to all speakers. The range is 0 to 50.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function
  • volume: Integer

hkaudio.mute(success, error);

This method mutes the current volume of all speakers.

  • success: Callback function
  • error: Callback function